Welcome Palomino Families to the 2024-2025 school year!
The Nicolet Middle School staff are already excitedly preparing for the new school year and have lots of information that you will need to know as we kick off the 2024-2025 school year.
First, please make sure to log into your Aeries Parent Portal account to complete required back-to-school data confirmations before the start of the school year. You will not be able to view your child’s schedule until this is done. Schedules will be available before school starts on August 9. If we are able to finalize and publish schedules sooner we will send out communication via our new Banning Unified School District app and social media.
Please click on the link below or use the QR code to access the Banning Unified Parent Portal to complete the required forms.
I am personally looking forward to welcoming students and staff back to campus as I begin my 2nd year as the proud Palomino Principal. I am honored to continue to support the Banning community of students, teachers, and family here at Nicolet Middle School for another year!
Please read through the information below. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me personally by call or text at 951-492-8819, or contact the school office from 8:00-3:00 at 951-922-0280.
New drop off and pick up procedures: Students can only enter campus via the Main Entrance on Nicolet Street. There will be no pedestrian or non-approved Banning USD vehicles inside any of the parking lots. For complete information, please see the posted fliers/social media posts.
First Day of School: First day of school is on Thursday, August 8, 2024. Breakfast is served from 7:25-7:55. First bell rings at 7:46. Tardy bell rings at 8:00 AM.
6th Grade Orientation: On Tuesday, July 30 from 8:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. in the Nicolet Gym. This event is for students ONLY. You can drop off your child at the front of the gym and pick them up at 3 pm from the same spot.
New to Nicolet/ 6th Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting: We will have an informational meeting for parents/guardians in the Nicolet Auditorium located at the front of the school in the morning and in the afternoon. Please attend either the 8:30 am or 3:30 pm meeting.
7th and 8th Registration: There will be orientation for 7th graders on July 31 from 8 am to 11 am, and for the 8th graders from noon to 3:00 pm. For 7th and 8th graders new to Nicolet, we strongly encourage attending the New to Nicolet/6th Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting on July 30 at either 8:30 am or 3:30 pm in addition to coming to your scheduled Registration time on the 31st.
Makeup Registration Day for all students will be in the Gymnasium on August 1.
PE Clothes: PE clothes will be sold at all three of the 6th/7th/8th grade registrations in the gym. 7th and 8th graders may come to purchase them during that time or they can come to the front office during office hours or before or after school during school.
7th grade only: Proof of TDAP/Varicella must be provided to the school in order to start classes on August 9! We will have a TDAP/Varicella clinic on site 11 am to 4 pm on July 31.
Schedules: Schedules should be available to view via Aeries parent and student portals by Tuesday, August 8th. You will not be able to view your child’s schedule until the necessary forms are filled out in Aeries Parent Portal. Please use the link or QR code to access the Banning USD Parent Portal. If we can publish schedules any sooner we will send out that communication via our new app and social media.
Free Vaccination Clinic: All 7th graders will be required to have all their vaccinations up to date including their TDap. Nicolet will be hosting a free vaccination clinic on Friday, August 11th from noon-4:00 p.m. No appointment necessary. Please see the linked flyers for more information.
New Banning USD app: Banning Unified School District now has their own app! Stay up to date with notifications! Download the app using the links below.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/468RFAq
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3pgtcZ9